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Chanel Le Jour, Le Nuit, Le Weekend

--> When I think of Chanel I never really think of Skincare for some reason. I know they do it but it's never leapt out at me when shopping for a moisturiser.
We were really lucky to be sent Le Jour, Le Nuit and Le Weekend to try and at a hefty £60 each for day and night product and £72 for Le Weekend (or £172 for all three) it's something I would normally feel too guilty to treat myself to.

Anyway it's here on my desk and I actually drew in my breath when I saw them. Very simply packaged but so uber chic, glamorous and expensive looking (that's because they are expensive I guess!)

 I always find the posher something is the more complex it is. Kind of like the toilets in a really expensive restaurant where the male and female logo on the door is so minimalist I never know if I'm in the correct toilet or not!
 Initially I wasn't sure what I was meant to do with these products other than drool over them. I know the time of day I'm supposed to put it on but not sure where in my regime it should go.
 After reading through the instructions it's actually really simple so I have broken down how to use it and the results after three weeks use.

Le Jour

Chanel explain that this product is there to help your skin adapt to its environment and stress ahead during the day. 
 The ingredients chosen in this product help to coordinate the adaption of cells so they can perform better in their environment.

So whats inside... firstly let me tell you this smells amazing. Not a chemical scent but a natural floral scent.
 It looks and feels like a lightweight, transparent gel serum

Jasmine flowers and young Jasmine shoots are the main ingredient and this active ingredient is what regulates the cells to adapt to the environment.
 Salicylic Acid is also in here to help gradually exfoliate the skin ensuring it looks radiant and fresh all day.

Use this as a serum after cleansing but before your normal moisturiser.

What did I think?..I liked it! Initially it didn't feel too different to any other serum although I liked that it was absorbed quickly and smelt divine but it was after about 3 days I really noticed a change in my skin.
 My skin always looks a little blotchy in places and I get the odd breakout with visible pores on my cheeks but I noticed after a few days that my skin was glowing! It had such a radiance and even tone that during the day I have just been wearing a light tinted moisturiser and concealer. 
 My skin is normally combination and after using this I find I am not blotting the oil off of my face as often. 
 I truly believe this serum has helped my skin to be 'normal', not oily, not dry just balanced and even, that's what we all want isn't it?

Le Nuit

This feels more heavy than Le Jour and the texture is more of a light cream. Feels silky to the touch and because it is a little richer I have been using it on its own after cleansing. If your skin is particularly dry you may want to follow with your regular night cream.

Whats inside?..Frankincense extract which contains Boswellic acid. After a bit of research on Boswellic acid this resin is anti inflammatory and has been used to treat asthma and Colitis. This will help reduce any inflammed areas on the skin, calm and sooth whilst encouraging cell repair.
It also contains Hyaluronic Acid which helps with tissue repair.

What did I think?..Amazing!! Sounds bizarre but my skin actually feels like it has a thicker texture. My skin can be a little sensitive and almost transparent where fine thread veins and redness can be seen but after 3 weeks of using this it looks stronger, smoother and with an even texture.
 I usually get the odd blemish pop up during the week but my skin has been totally clear for weeks which is un heard of!

The Frankincense also gives this a wonderful scent and helps you to relax at the end of the day.

Le Weekend

The weekend is where most of us can relax, have that extra glass of wine and maybe get to bed a few hours later (naughty!)
 Le Weekend provides the extra bit of help we need at the weekend.
 Chanel claim this product resets all counters to zero and aims to balance, hydrate and comfort the skin.

Creamy texture this feels less heavy than that of Le Nuit. The idea is to apply this once a week, morning and evening to give a more intensive treatment over the weekend.

Whats inside?..May Rose Water which not only provides the main scent but also soothes and calms the skin.
 Glycolic Acid is also in here which helps to gently exfoliate the skin, reduce acne scarring and tone done redness. Glycolic Acid is often used in products treating various skin disorders as it helps to loosen the binding properties that hold dead skin cells in place.

What did I think?.. so great I abused it and used in on a Saturday and Sunday!
 I used it in the morning after cleansing instead of my usual moisturiser and in the evening after cleansing instead of my usual night cream.
 Again smells divine, feels silky and quickly absorbed.
 My skin feels plumped, hydrated,balanced and fresh.

Overall conclusion is that yes these are really expensive products however if you suffer from scaring, breakouts or uneven skin tone then I highly recommend this range. 
 The acids that are present in this range ( Salicylic, Hyaluronic and Glycolic ) are what does the work I think but the luxury of the other ingredients and the scents they produce provide a very luxurious experience that is a joy to use.
 Only downside is the cost but you pay for what you get and it's good to treat ourselves now and again isn't it!

Available now online and in all major department stores.

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