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funny black people_24

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  • DeathChill
    Apr 21, 12:08 AM
    It skews the number non the less. iOS is on four different devices the iTv, iPod touch, iphone, and the ipod touch jumbo. And google doesn't make any hardware. They work with companies to have them made like the nexus series.
    It's not skewing the number at all because that's the addressable market for any developer developing on iOS.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 14, 12:12 PM
    Mag-lev might solve the first loss of energy, but creating a vacuum in front, and behind, the train might be impractical. ;)

    You could just build a much larger version of the vacuum system, used by stores in the past, to send internal memos between departments.

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  • mpstrex
    Aug 29, 04:02 PM
    Last I heard, Greenpeace makes millions of dollars a year. Non-profits are corporations. And like any large company that is into expanding to other parts of the globe and setting up seperate offices throughout the world, they need to have local politicians interested in their specialities. They donate to many political organizations.

    And Apple IS eco-friendly, or so I thought--Al Gore is on the board. I got the impression he was sort of into the environmental movement...

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  • lilo777
    Apr 20, 09:03 PM
    Just curious what NFC does in any Android device currently?

    Of course you can work hard to drain the phones battery but LTE is draining the phones battery without trying. Nothing wrong with that, but Apple focuses on a single model and they have a set of requirements that they wish to achieve (battery life being awesome is one of them!).

    If you don't like it, don't buy it, I guess?

    Quote: "Google has begun distributing stickers with near field communication (NFC) technology to businesses throughout Austin, Texas as part of its Google Places roll out. The stickers allow users to tap their NFC-equipped phone on the sticker and access content and information relevant to the local business.

    The stickers are manufactured by Smartag and measure 80mm x 50mm (3.15 in x 1.97 in) in size. Users who have the Google Places app on their smartphones will be able to see the business' address, phone number, hours of business, types of payment accepted, reviews, and more. The user also has the ability to rate and review the business right from their mobile device. They will then receive personalized recommendations in their search results based on their preferences."

    So OSX allows user access to all critical files with no option to hide?

    I believe so. I am not aware of any other OS but Windows that has this feature.

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  • deus_ex_machina
    Apr 21, 04:40 AM
    I live in a country of excess. Excuse me if I don't weep at night because Kanye West or Lil Wayne are missing out on my $1+ for their songs.

    If an artist isn't mainstream, I'll gladly pay for their music to support it. But since my musical tastes tend to gravitate towards major artists, I don't think twice when I torrent their albums.

    No worries gwangung - anyone who admits to listening to Lil Wayne isn't worth your time lol

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  • starflyer
    Apr 15, 11:01 AM
    Ehh...I agree with you that bullying period, causes alot of pain. The only difference is, you can do situps to "fit in"...these kids are who they are. Kinda Apples and Oranges

    What about the ugly kids?

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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 05:09 PM
    That was a bit harsh, wasn't it? Not even I would go as far as saying that anybody's religion is evil. But it's definitely proves to be incompatible with modern Western values, which we began to see already in 1994 (Salman Rushdie). My only comfort is that those who have contributed to accelerate the conflicts by providing a lousy integration policy, will likely be the first ones to get stoned to death. I'm a male who doesn't drink alcohol nor commit adultery (and pork meat I can live without), so an islamic state wouldn't really be that bad for me to live in... I think...

    Islam is more ideology/politcal movement than a simple religion.

    You're right, if more had been done to integrate immigrants rather than endorse multi-kulti then perhaps we'd see the new generation being less radical than their parents, however (in belgium at least) the children of immigrants, who were born in europe, are MORE radical and devout than their parents. madness...

    Anything that goes against Western Values is evil to me... or at least anathema. I don't like the term evil, it's too christian... as is anathema for that matter.

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  • NathanMuir
    Mar 24, 11:49 PM
    Subtract the individuals affiliated with gangs and the mentally unstable and we're staring at a long list of homosexuals murdered by "mainstream" individuals, many of whom attended church on a regular basis

    I find that statement extremely ironic given that there's a thread two below (as of 12:49am on March 25, 2011) that is on the decline/ death of organized religion. :p

    and were in fact catholic. That their religious affiliations are not immediately telegraphed is not evidence of absence, but rather of the fact that 76% of the population self-identifies as Christian.

    Proof? Or is this amateur hour on PRSI and we're allowed to make baseless claims/ assertions?

    I have no doubt some of the listed were/ are mainstream Catholics.

    However, without proof, 'some' could mean 99% or 10%. IMO that's a big difference.

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  • AlBDamned
    Aug 30, 11:38 AM
    From Cult of Mac's blog (http://blog.wired.com/cultofmac/) on the issue:

    I have now had the chance to read through Greenpeace's "Guide to Greener Electronics," and there are a few things that should be clarified about where Apple ranks.

    First of all, the article I linked this morning claimed that Apple and Lenovo were at the bottom of the charts. Well, that's not true. Lenovo scored an appalling 1.3 out of 10 while Apple pulled a marginally more successful 2.7 out of 10. In between were Motorola and Acer.

    The criticisms of Apple are fair, I would say, though I think there's some nuance to what HP is doing with recycling that tends to make it look unfavorably better than others. Why? Ink cartridges and printers. HP has a lot more to take back than any other company, so their commitment to percentage of sales taken back is actually a possibility.

    Given that Apple actually offers free computer recycling with the purchase of a computer, something that Dell does but HP does not, it's odd to say they're doing less to keep computers out of the waste stream. On the other hand, Apple has no takeback goals, so it really does balance out.

    The other criticisms of Apple are on target, however. The company is secretive, and that meets they tend to be secretive about their environmental planning as well. They have a regulated substances list, but it isn't public. They're committed to eliminating PVCs, but won't say when. Ditto for BFRs.

    It's not necessarily that Apple's environmental record is legitimately bad, but they do a very poor job of informing their customers about their environmental efforts. Silence is suspicious here, folks.

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  • aricher
    Aug 29, 10:57 AM
    It's a very sad reality indeed.

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  • thatsallfolks
    Apr 5, 09:40 PM
    I'm was a complete Mac virgin when I switched a couple of months ago but some of the small things that still annoy me.

    1. Pressing delete when you've selected a file in finder doesn't delete the file. You've gotta use the context menu or <gasp> actually drag it to the garbage.

    2. It's kinda' weird that the menu bar shows at the top of the screen and not the window. When you have alot of windows open I sometimes go into the menu bar thinking it belongs to another program than what I intended.

    3. There's no ".." button in finder(i.e. go one level up a directory structure)

    4. Not having an actual uninstall program procedure kind of makes me paranoid.

    I do love the magic mouse and obviously Macs look slicker than PCs so overall I guess I'm satisfied and I'm sure any reasonable person would be as well but from what I've seen of Windows 7 I would think most reasonable people would be happy with that too.

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  • alex_ant
    Oct 9, 08:32 PM
    Originally posted by gopher
    Only we have some people come on this board who claim that the Mac is much slower. For what purpose?
    To show people that Macs are not as fast as Apple claims them to be, and to send Apple a message that they need to get their hardware in gear already. "We" want Apple to succeed as much as you do. What we don't want is for Apple to become complacent, as it has recently, and sell nothing but high-priced boxes full of yesterday's technology. (PC100/133 across the board, and crippled DDR in the Power Macs. No Firewire2, no USB2, no ATA-133. Is this 2002 or is it 1999?)
    And Arne, if you are reading these boards, please delete clearly PC biased hate posts ASAP.
    Silence your opposition - fabulous.

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  • manu chao
    Mar 19, 11:50 AM
    By using Jon's tool, you KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY are violating an agreement that you yourself agreed to.

    And if you use an Apple or AOL ID, Apple knows who is violating the agreement.

    Even if the current iTMS server protocol cannot distinguish between iTunes and PyMusique, it should be quite easy to figure out how to do that distinction once Apple has its own copy of PyMusique. Then Apple can go over its server logs and get a list of the people who have used PyMusique.

    Use at your own risk (or use at least gift certificates...).

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  • nick9191
    Apr 22, 10:50 PM
    "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

    I'm an agnostic myself. To me it seems the only logical step forward. Atheism requires belief in something that cannot be proven via science, ie. that we can't (at least not right now) prove there is or isn't a god. For one to be a theist or an atheist, you must believe there is or isn't a god. Believe being the key word.

    I normally will only believe in things that can be proven. Therefore I'm an agnostic. I don't deny the existence of god, although I do very much doubt it to the point where I could border on atheism (whilst it can't be proven, it does seem logical to me).

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  • Clive At Five
    Sep 20, 10:37 PM
    All fine and well if YOU LIVE IN AMERICA but what about the other 99% of the world ????????

    Not to be a total ass... but it's more like 95.071% ;)

    Anyway, Apple doesn't *HAVE* to do anything about the rest of the world. I mean I don't doubt they'd like to, but conent overseas is different and so are some of the lables. It's not as easy and Apple flipping a switch and, viola, there's the content for the UK and the rest of the world. There are some severe negotiations that need to take place first and that takes a lot of time.


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  • SandynJosh
    May 2, 04:06 PM
    You're not quite understanding what I'm saying or the situation here. Safari auto-downloads a zip file, runs it through Archive Utility which extracts something and then runs it.

    It happens to be an installer this time. What if next time it's a malicious piece of code ? Why did it auto-execute, under what conditions and could these conditions be used to execute something other than an installer ?

    Think a bit beyond the current situation. The malware authors do.

    I think I understands what you are saying. However, for the sake of clarity, let me answer your question relating to "why it auto-executed." The Safari protection level needs to be set to "Allow 'Safe' files to be opened."

    This allows the Archive Utility to open the .zip file which contains the installation file to begin execution. Had the user not allowed this action, the file would never had made it to the user's computer without the user deliberate allowing it to be downloaded.

    Once the installer is running, it still needs the user to enter and password and authorize the installer to install the software. If the user doesn't have the computer's administrator password, then once more the malware is blocked.

    To address your other question, as to what conditions could malicious code get into OSX:

    1. First, the file would need to be considered "safe" to be allowed to auto-download and auto-open, AND the browser would need to be set to allow this.
    2. Then, like the case with the installer above, it would need to seek the user's permission to be installed. This again, required the complicity of the user, who would still need the administrator's password.

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  • Tulse
    Mar 20, 10:51 AM
    Yeah, you can't. Instead of being out protesting you are stuck at your computer dissing IP geeks. Mmm...Sad and hypocritical. Now that's sad.Stage, I work for a charity -- I think I'm doing my part.

    People can certainly disagree over whether DRM is appropriate or not. But like it or not, it is the law (copyright law, DMCA, and EULA law). You can break that law as a form of protest if you like, but, as eric_n_dfw says, the way to do that is by making your lawbreaking public, to be willing to accept the consequences of the lawbreaking, and thus work within the system. That's precisely what the civil rights movement did, that's what Gandhi did, that's what Thoreau wrote about. Anything else isn't protest -- it's no more "noble" than sneaking into movies for free.

    Of course, there are a multitude of other ways to fight the law, including financially supporting the EFF and other like organizations, contacting your lawmakers, contacting recording companies, and, most effective, not buying products you feel restrict your rights. If folks were doing all of these things, then I'd have some respect for the notion that this is a moral and political issue. But as far as I can see, most people stripping DRM out of iTunes aren't doing it out of protest, but simply to make their lives easier, even if that impacts on the rights of the music writers and creators.

    Protest and political change almost always involves sacrifice -- of time, of money, even in extreme cases of personal freedom (as in being jailed). If people aren't facing those kind of sacrifices, then I have serious doubts that they're actually "protesting".

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  • jabi
    Sep 20, 11:50 AM
    iTV is basically a limited Mini with better remote control software, if i can use an Elgato eyeTV on it to record i'm buying for sure. Ideally would be an eyeTV with a USB 2 connection to add a big HD.

    Given the form factor, I believe this is designed to sit on top of a Mac mini to gain recording functionality. Apple has no interest in taking away the computer from the equation. They see the Mac as the hub of your digital lifestyle. So, I predict we will see a "Media Center" version of Mac OS X that is designed to go with a specialized version of a Mac mini suited for recording TV, iTunes integration etc. that sits under the iTV.

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  • JAT
    Apr 21, 10:33 AM
    Well, just think of it as paying toll on a road that your taxes had already paid for (probably a bad example).
    This is always a poor example. I don't think people understand just how under-funded the transport system in this county is. Here in MN we spend more on roads per population or capita than any other state, I believe. (I can't remember the stats) And our roads look like crap. You head south, where they think they can go 5x as long between repairs due to less temp variation than us here (and probably can), but really go 20x as long and also have crap roads. NO road is already "paid for".
    Look Android lovers... this is an Apple site. You don't need to call us "Fanboys" in a condescending way here. We are here because we love our Macs, iOS devices or we develop for them and like to keep up on the news. Yes... many here are "fanboys".

    We don't care about your customization, your 4G, your ability to steal music or video. It's stupid. You do know you can do all that on an iPhone too (with the exception of 4G - but who cares, very little markets have it). Yes, iTunes manages our music, apps and video, but I can add songs and videos from anywhere... just like you. If I want to be a geek and customize, I can jail break my phone and do all sorts of crazy things. You do realize the average consumer out there could care less right? They just want it to work.

    So, anyway... go love your Droid device. It is a nice platform. But sorry to say, it's not going to kill the iPhone or iOS. Apple is good at what it does and consumers love it. Their sales continue to show it.

    And, like it or not, Apple is the most influential high-tech company out there right now. They've done more for the PC and the Mobile industry than any other company in the last decade. You should be happy Apple exists as they've woken up many manufactures in the market as to what consumers care about. Quality product. Consistent experience and superior service.

    Please... if you want to impress your friends with your customized HTC Thunderbolt, go over to the Android forum and beat your chest and stop the pissing contest here. There's pluses and minuses on both sides and we could argue all day with no productive end result.
    Ah yes, logic. The one thing that escapes the whiny geeks.

    Nov 2, 09:00 PM
    Don't know if you saw this article, I thought I would provide it for your review.

    Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700 - 2.66 GHz Kentsfield Review (http://reviews.cnet.com/Intel_Core_2_Extreme_QX6700/4505-3086_7-32136314.html?tag=cnetfd.mt)That's Kentsfield so it's a little off topic. But you did the right thing in posting this. Not wrong.

    The most interesting thing I find about this article is that Tiger is dumping top Conroe NOW for $974. I love the marketing copy on this page. (http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2341566&Sku=CP1-DUO-X6800&SRCCODE=CNETFEED&CMP=OTC-CNETFEED&ci_srccode=cii_5766179&cpncode=08-15259969-2). :eek: :

    We're Selling Our Core2 Extreme CPUs at COST.
    That's right...we're selling our complete stock of Intel Core2 Extreme processors AT COST! If you've been waiting for a price drop before making a move to the latest in CPU technology, it's time to take action now."

    The More The Hype The Better I say.

    That leads me to believe now more than ever it's gonna happen from Apple in two weeks. :D

    Here's first good picture of 2.66GHz Kentsfield I've come across:

    Apr 21, 09:03 AM
    So are you going to tell me that paying for tethering ON TOP OF DATA YOU ALREADY PAID FOR is fair? Data is data is data... 4gb is 4gb no matter how I use it. Tethering cost are a joke!:mad: /end rant

    You are joking right?

    Fair or not, it's not Apple's fault. It's the carriers who have imposed this structure and probably fair. They do have to be able to support the extra data traffic if tethering was just open for anyone without paying. Personally, I think it's a waste anyway. At home it's WiFi... on the road it's my iPhone or I find WiFi if I need it for my laptop which is not hard to do.

    Anyway... like it or not, it's not a free service today. Is it fair? I don't think so either and I think in the long run phone companies will bundle it in with the data packages. As well as having multiple devices assigned to the same plan so you can have one data plan that your smart phone and tablet can share.

    But for now... it is what it is and if you're not paying for it, well, what can I say... good for you.

    Apr 24, 03:33 PM
    People from Pakistan and Bangladesh blame a lot of "bad habits" on cultural influence from India (I., B. and P. used to be one country). However, I have never heard of Indians behaving like that in Western countries. How come it seems so easy for Indians to integrate in Western societies, yet so hard for Pakistanis/Bangladeshis? It used to be one country, so there must be something other than just "culture"... care to tell me what it is? I already have an idea and you know very well what it is, so I'm asking you now. What is the big difference here?

    To the contrary, having spoken to many Pakistani and Bangladeshi people, most of those I spoke to felt that the counties had taken a literal and poignant view of the framework provided. The same view is not supported by the majority of the population.

    One thing that is apparent is that there has been a lot of innovation somewhere in the mix, which has spread towards Pakistan and Bangladesh.

    India is much more diversified than Pakistan and Bangladesh, such that the population of Muslims is much less. However, that does not mean that honour killings don't happen in India - they certainly do. e.g. Punjab. I can tell you know as a fact that the majority of honour killings there are not within Muslim families.

    Apr 12, 11:07 AM
    I don't care for the difficulty involved in sharing files across OS X/Windows/Linux, but that's hardly the fault of the Mac.
    Stick shared files on a NAS or in the cloud. Problem solved.

    Other nags:
    -Requiring 3rd-party software to stay awake when closed
    My last PC laptop decided not to go to sleep one one trip, I put it away in my backpack and when I took it out the battery was drained and the sleeve was discolored by the heat.

    Plus, I just love trying to shut down or log off and be told that Windows needs to install updates. Right now? WTF! If I need to shut you down it's because I need to go. Now.

    This is really better?

    The hilarious hillarious way that iTunes and iPhones work. It's the same way on Windows, but I think they sacrificed function for increased integration.

    Here I'm with you. I keep hoping that Apple will return to their senses and split iTunes up into iMusic, iVideo, iBooks, iApps, iSync etc... Maybe they will with a fully Cocoafied iTunes replacement in Lion.


    Oct 15, 01:11 AM
    Yeah... Kinda disappointing. Although, my 3D rendering work will benefit just fine from them as while it's CPU intensive, it's not bandwidth hungry and the software itself isn't all that great for thread scheduling, so it's better to run multiple software instances for each CPU/core. I'm curious to see how the Clovertowns compare to the upcoming AMD quad-core chips, which have full 4-way shared data pipe and L2 cache. I think it's going to be just like the AMD X2 vs. the Pentium-D all over again. AMD will hold the quad-core performance title until Intel releases their 45nm process chips with all 4 cores being fully linked. But such is the way it's been for the last few years, AMD and Intel continue to play leap-frog. Which is great for the consumer as it drives CPU tech ahead so fast... Too bad my wallet can't keep up. :(

    Seconded, hell, my Mac is an OLD Digital Audio G4, and my PC is Northwood Pentium 4 HT processor. :o :o

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