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Peachy Pink Sisters x Mauve Graduation Giveaway WINNERS!

 Hello beautiful readers!

I will be announcing the winners of ...

 Our Graduation Giveaway was made to celebrate Dawn's college graduation. And to help us celebrate with our lovable readers, Wear Mauve sponsored some of the prizes! :D

A very big THANK YOU to Wear Mauve! More power to your store and Keep sharing those very fab accessories to everyone who has passion for fashion! ;)

So on to our winners...

1st prize

The person who is very lucky to win all these accessories from Mauve:
a pair of fab earrings
A vintage necklace
and a leopard print bangle!

is none other than


For the 2nd Prize

which consists of the following:

 A leather wrap from Wear Mauve.
Skin79 BB Cream Sachets
and a NYX Round Lippie in Watermelon

The winner who got the most likes in her answer on the question, "What is your most memorable graduation moment?" is...


She gained 199 likes in her comment. Here's a screen shot of her comment a few minutes after the giveaway closed.



And last but not the least,

The 3rd PRIZE!

The person who we thought has the most amusing graduation moment will win these items all bought by the sisters.

Body Recipe Skin Lightening Lotion
Satchet of Garnier Multi-Action Whitening Cream
Pond's White Beauty Day Cream Sachet
L'Oreal Youth Code pre-essence sample
Sephora Girls Lipgloss

Before we name the winner, we would like to thank everyone who shared their memorable moments during their graduation with us. It was really fun reading your posts. Some were funny, some were admirable and some were very sweet. :)

To view all the entries, click here.

So on to the winner...

She is............


We found her answer quite funny and commendable! She graduated as salutatorian but even with such high honors and representing a batch for a graduation pledge, there are still these little small annoying things that can happen during those special moments. Good thing she made it with poise and elegance! Good job, Gerilen! :)

and here's her answer:

"my most memorable graduation would be in HS. Im happy I managed to have social life (barkada) while being one on the top. Finally, i ended up as the school salutatorian. I was assign to do the graduation pledge. while on stage, my stilleto heels got stuck on the floormats holes and i was pulling them out *pasimple* while stating the pledge. heehee thankfully, as i ended up my speech, i pulled the heels without stumbling and uber slowly walk to take my seat!"

Congratulations! :)


There you have it! The very lucky ladies who won our Graduation Giveaway.
I will send you messages on your email or Facebook. Hopefully you can reply within 48 hours or we might have to draw new winners.

Thank you all for supporting Peachy Pink Sisters and joining our giveway. It gives us joy to celebrate such important events with our lovely readers!

A very special thank you again to Wear Mauve! We do hope you can check their items out! We guarantee that you'll find something you'll fancy!

That's it for now.
We assure you that there will be more giveaways to come from Peachy Pink Sisters!
Maybe when we get to 550 followers? Who knows! Haha! As long as we get the budget! Eeek! Haha.


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