I quite recently professed a newfound love for raw crystals, unfinished stones and other things to that effect - though I haven't really had the time or patience to put that into practice (my last term of school ever is slowly eating up my life). And almost simultaneously, I jumped on the ETSY bandwagon - I haven't quite gotten around to shopping-basketing or even wish-listing anything for that matter, but I do have a much greater appreciation for all things handmade, now. Particularly having seen the handicraft of the lovely Sandra Ducheneaux (store, FriedaSophie), whose incredible encasing (I can't think of a better word) of any slice and cut you can think of has really kick-started my love of all things unrefined.
They emanate a certain regality - particularly handy in the dressing up of things too street, and the dressing down of things too ballroom.
I like that :)
Check out more of Sandy's work HERE.
P.S. and don't forget to enter the giveaway - I mean, who doesn't want $100 to spend at Fredflare.com!
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