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Review: Enbacci Microdermabrasion Exfoliating Scrub


It's Thursday, and I've had a big week already, and it's time to put my feet up and have a bit of me time. I definitely could use a bit of help to wash the week away, and what I'm taking about is absolutely the best thing for that! On the blog today, we are talking about one of my favourite cult brands, and that is the Melbourne based, Australian born brand headed by a mother/daughter duo. If you guessed Enbacci, then you got it right! Side note - I love a brand that has great values, and Yong-Li, the daughter half, is one of the sweetest brand owners you'll ever meet!

The premise is simple - this is designed to exfoliate, cleanse and detoxify the skin, all the while being cruelty free and vegan. This has been formulated to be a healthy skin pH, and this is meant as a twice weekly treatment to help remove dead skin cells, while also unclogging pores, and improving skin smoothness. There is also the added bonus of this restoring radiance to the skin, and improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. 

This manages to do all of the above by using an ocean-safe and skin friendly formula that has alumina exfoliating micro-beads, as well as shea butter, glycerin and vitamin E. This is also rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acid. The alumina is made from an extract of a sedimentary rock called bauxite, and these are tiny, rounded and densely packed spheres serve as an excellent alternative to plastic micro beads, which means it won't contribute to oceanic waste! 

I really like that this is quietly gritty, while also being surprisingly creamy, without causing trauma to my skin, and I love that this does a great job of dislodging solidified sebum from the pores, helping in removing the debris and buildup from the skin. Removal of the above, in turn, allows for the skin to be prepped and ready to absorb my serum and cream. I also really appreciate that this doesn't result in any inflammation or irritation of the skin.


This all comes in their signature white glossy packaging, with silver and blue lettering on the front. It features a screw cap that's easy to remove, and not at all slippery in the shower - which is a bonus, trust me! This is a pretty affordable $45 and I really love that it seriously does such a good job of scrubbing the day away. Click here to learn more about the scrub, and to get it for yourself. What have you tried from Enbacci?

*This product was provided for editorial consideration

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